Sorority Recruitment Recap

Well for some schools it’s sorority recruitment season and for others, sorority recruitment isn’t until the spring semester! I’m SUPER impatient so I’m happy sorority recruitment is over labor day weekend here. In my sorority at Quinnipiac University, Kappa Alpha Theta, we just welcomed 36 beautiful and smart ladies to the Theta family.

If you haven’t went through the sorority recruitment process yet, read my guide to the process, here.

Below you’ll find a run through of our days, it’s done very differently than most schools. Some state schools have their recruitment over the span of two weeks. I’d go crazy because I’m so impatient and I’d also have no voice. I really don’t know how they do it. It’s a long, tiring weekend but one that every school year I look forward to.


Day 1, 2 and 3 of Sorority Recruitment at Quinnipiac University

Day 1 is a simple day. It’s almost like how I’d imagine speed dating. You’re asking common questions to potential new members (PNM’s). For instance, what’s your major? Where are you from? Or, why did you choose this college? This is the longest day because your sorority is talking to every PNM at your school!

Day 2 is philanthropy round of sorority recruitment at Quinnipiac. Philanthropy is a LARGE part of a sorority, and it should be one of the reasons why you even want to rush a sorority. Kappa Alpha Theta’s philanthropy is CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates). I love our philanthropy and what it does for children in the foster system, you can read more about CASA, here.

Day 3 is Quinnipiac’s pref round. This is where you select a girl you really connected with to talk to for a good half hour. Some sororities may have something special they do before the pref’s leave. It’s the sororities last chance to leave a lasting impression on the prefs.

Pref round is the shortest round because now you have really narrowed down your potential new members! YAY! During sorority recruitment at Quinnipiac, half of day 3 is pref round and the other half is Bid Day. As long as the weekend is, before you know it sorority recruitment is over!

I take you through the days with the pictures below!

Day 1

sorority recruitment

sorority recruitment

Day 2

sorority recruitment

sorority recruitment

Day 3

***We didn’t take pictures before the Bid Day portion of the day. For reference on our last day we wore black dresses.***

sorority recruitment

sorority recruitment

I hope you can guess the theme, but if not, it’s basically pajama/slumber party themed!

sorority recruitment

sorority recruitment

sorority recruitment

sorority recruitment