Big/Little Reveal 2019

This past Monday was Big/Little reveal for my sorority at Quinnipiac, Kappa Alpha Theta.

sorority shirts

Before I jump into the night of reveal I’m going to give you the details on the shirts I chose, in case you want them too!

Being a crazy planner, I ordered my shirts in the middle of September, to ENSURE they’d get here by reveal (Oct. 7). Sure enough, they came three days in advance. I suggest ordering sonner rather than later, so your family can have super fun shirts!

sorority shirts

Etsy is a go too for personalized, unique pieces. Although, make sure you read reviews and order from a good shop! I ordered from RLittleCompany, they were great. I went with the Rolling Stones inspired shirts because they were so fun and different.


I found out who my little was a week before reveal. I took to Facebook to make her an account of old embarissing pictures and attempted to make her wonder who I am. I remember being on the other side of things and just being so excited. I wanted my little to feel that same way.

So after a week of Facebook fun and sending her crafts (I struggled very much with the whole crafting aspect of this, lol) it was the Monday of reveal. WOOO!

I was so lucky my Big and Gbig could be there. They both graduated but are smarty pants in grad school. Luckily, they could make reveal!

After reveal and many pictures later, we went to Eli’s, a popular restaurant by Quinnipiac. We ordered a ton of appetizers and caught up with one another.

My big, Erica, choked on a chip. Yes, we were all concerned, but she was still talking!!?? She insists that when she went to get it up A FULL CHIP came out. Looking back, it’s so funny.

It was a great night, and I’m still feeling extra grateful Theta brought such beautiful people into my life.


sorority shirts

sorority shirts

sorority shirts

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